Gweithdy Creu Torch

Price: £30

Event Dates/Times:
Maximum 4 attendees per booking
Please enter the names of all Attendants including yourself (if applicable)
Please enter your details

Cor Cymraeg Caerffili - Sesiwn Canu Carolau

Sesiwn canu carolau Nadolig. Hamddenol, te, coffi a chymdeithasu.

Price: Free

Gweithdy Creu Torch

Price: £30

Christmas Shopping Trip

Join us on our shopping trip to Bristol

Price: £15

Sadyrnau Siarad

Come and meet other Welsh speakers and learners in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

Price: Free

Walking Club

Come along and enjoy different walks with other Welsh learners and speakers. 

Price: Free

Sesiynau Sgwrs

Come along and meet other Welsh learners and speakers - everyone welcome

Price: Free

Reading Group

A monthly reading group for mid and higher level learners. 

Price: Free