Caerphilly Borough Youth Project

Menter Iaith Sir Caerffili, Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Caerphilly C.B. Council  co-fund and co-manage a Welsh language youth project. A full-time Youth Worker is employed, based in Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni. The youth worker is responsible for developing opportunities and Welsh-medium activities for young people across the county outside school hours and during school holidays. These activities include trips, sports clubs as well as the following weekly clubs:

Menter Iaith Sir Caerffili also provide a range of opportunities for young people to use the Welsh language outside of school and in the community, these include workshops, weekly video gaming clubs, opportunities to volunteer and various trips. 

Swper Gŵyl Ddewi

Swper Gŵyl Ddewi, bwyd gan Plant2Plate ac adloniant gan Mei Gwynedd a'r band Tŷ Potas.

Price: £30

Walking Club

Come along and enjoy different walks with other Welsh learners and speakers. 

Price: Free

Sesiynau Sgwrs

Come along and meet other Welsh learners and speakers - everyone welcome

Price: Free